Activity «Get Outlook emails» can be found in section «Office.Outlook».
Activity reads email messages from Microsoft.Outlook (Attention! Activities won't work without forementioned application being installed).
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Property; Class; Type; Description
Account; In; String; Mail account. Used if multiple accounts are used in Outlook. In case the account is not specified - random is taken.
Folder; In; String; The folder from which you want to receive letters. If not specified, it is taken from the default Inbox folder.
Unread only; In; Boolean; Select only unread emailsю.
Mark as read; In; Boolean; Mark emails as read.
Quantity (pcs); In; Int32; How many letters are required to receive.
Result; Out; List(NetOffice. OutlookApi.MailItem); List of found letters
Order; In; Activities.Office.Outlook.MailReadOrder; Sorts the read messages in the specified order. NewestFirst - newest messages in the folder will be read first. OldestFirst - oldest messages in the folder will be read first.
Result; Out; List; List of found letters.