Activity «Send Email (SMTP)» can be found in section «Email».
Activity sends the email messages through SMTP protocol.
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Property; Class; Type; Description
Text of the letter; In; String; Body of the email message. The text content itself.
Topic of the letter; In; String; Email topic.
HTML email text?; In; Boolean; Determines whether the emails body should be decoded as HTML or a simple string.
Port; In; Int32; Port for the connection to server.
Server; In; String; SMTP Server
Use SSL?; In; Boolean; Use the SSL-connection to server.
Expect Error (milliseconds); In; Int32; Message sending timeout. If the message is not sent within the timeout period, it will trigger exception.
Email address; In; String; Email Address which should be used for interaction.
Password; In; String; Password for the specified email address.
Hidden copy; In; String; Email address for Blind Carbon Copy. Address should be separated by (,).
Copy; In; String; Email Address for the Carbon Copy. Email Addresses should be separated by (,).
To; In; String; Main email recipients. Email addresses should be separated by (,).
Attachments; In; List(String); List of the emails attached files.Returns the list of pathes to files to be attached to the email message.If one of the files doesn't exist, it will trigger exception.