Activity is used for document recognition using Dbrain, which includes document classification and text field recognition. The Internet connection and user's API key are required to use the activity.
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Property; Class; Type; Description
API URL; In; String; String containing Dbrain API endpoint, should be used for the cloud service.The address of the local Dbrain instance can also be used (for example
API key; In; String; String containing Dbrain license key.
File path; In; String; String containing the path to the image file with documents.
Document type; In; Activities.DBrainOCR. DocumentType; The type of document to recognize.If All is selected, then documents of all types on the image will be recognized. If any other value is selected, then documents of the selected type will be recognized and documents of other types will be ignored.The list of all available API document types and fields can be found in the Google sheet. QtMlSZr8FO0mIE3qVQ2oPFIAZ4/htmlview
Manual recognition; In; Boolean; When the checkbox is checked, document text fields will be verified manually using human-in-the-loop module.
JSON response; Out; String; String containing the result of recognition in JSON format.