Activity «Sort table» can be found in section «Collections.Table».
Activity sorts the table by the specified column and returns the result as a new table.
Нажмите на изображение, чтобы увеличить его.
Property; Class; Type; Options; Description
Column name; In; String; By column name; Column name by which the table should be sorted.
Column index; In; Int32; By column index; Column index by which the table should be sorted.
Column; In; DataColumn; Link; Direction to the concrete column by which the table should be sorted.
Direction; In; Activities.BaseCollections. DataTable. DataTableSortOrder; *; Sorting direction: Asc - ascending, Desc - descending
Result; Out; DataTable; *; Table after sorting.
Table; In; DataTable; *; The table to be manipulated.
Option; Description
By column name; Sort table by table name.
By column index; Sort table by column index.
Link; Sort table by pointing to concrete column.