Activity «Get SAP GUI table» can be found in section «SAP».
The activity is designed to extract data from a SAP GUI table referenced by XPath. If no element matches XPath or the matched element is not a table then an exception will be thrown.
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Property; Class; Type; Options; Description
XPath; In; String; *; XPath
Timeout (s); In; Int32; *; Timeout (s)
Element; Out; Activities.Desktop.Core.Sap.SapGuiGridElement; As SAP GUI element; Element
Data table; Out; DataTable; As data table; Data table
Opton; Description
As SAP GUI element; Gets a table as a SAP element. With this option table's cells are stored as SAP elements, which allows them to be used in other SAP activities (click element, get text etc).
As data table; Gets a table as DataTable. With this option SAP table is copied to a DataTable, which allows the data to be processed before using it in another activity (for example, write to Excel file).