Activity «ABBYY Cloud OCR» can be found in section «OCR».
Activity is designed to recognize text with images. ABBYY Cloud OCR.
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Property; Class; Type; Options; Description
File; In; String; *; The file to be sent to the server
Address; In; String; *; The URL address you want to access
Application Id; In; String; *; Id for which the account was registered
Password; In; String; *; Account password
Correct orientation; In; Boolean; *; When the field is set to true, automatic orientation will be performed
Correct the angle; In; Boolean; *; It is used to automatically adjust the angle of the document in the case when the incoming document has a fuzzy text layout
Languages; In; String; *; Languages within which text recognition will occur
Format; In; Abbyy.CloudSdk.V2. Client.Models.Enums. ExportFormat; File; The format in which the document will be uploaded
Path; In; String; File; The path to the folder in which the document will be saved
Text; Out; String; Text; The text from the incoming document
XML; Out; String; Text; XML from the incoming document in string format